Share of your time…to help elevate others

London and my son Jon were in a relationship. The seed for the relationship was planted through their shared love of philanthropy in raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network through Knight-Thon  at the University of Central Florida. Both London and Jon have been raised to be generous with others. I’ve experienced that first-hand through London’s family and I have always modeled that for my sons. When you share of your time, talent and treasure with others, you help to elevate them from their challenges to a better place in life and I believe that’s part of our reason for being here — to leave the world a better place than how we found it through helping others. In so doing, we become better humans. For myself, that has meant mentoring at-risk youth, mentoring student journalists (I’m a professional freelance writer) and helping students put together their college essays so they can pursue their passions and share their skills with the world.

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